Angela would like to say a few words about Auntie Margaret
My DH's dear Auntie Margaret survived Breast cancer in the early 90's, long before I knew her. Sadly while I was pregnant, she discovered that the cancer had returned and spread throughout her body. She fought very bravely through what was a terrible illness.
Auntie Margaret passed away 3 weeks before my son was born. I will always be sad that Daniel never got to meet his Auntie Margaret, but we tell him about her all the time, and have a little jumper that she knitted for him. She went out of her way to make me feel like family from the very beginning.
She was such a lovely, amazing lady, who always tried to make everyone feel welcome, I will never forget her encouraging smiles at large family events when she knew I was nervous, and how she had a hug and a kind word for everyone.
I hope that what we have done this month will help people to be more aware about breast cancer, and that through early detection hopefully a much more positive outcome for everyone.
Di would like to remember her Mum, Caz's Gram.
My mum was a legend in her own lifetime. When she was diagnosed with a rogue cancerous brain tumour we her family were devastated but inspired by her courage. She underwent radio therapy and died in my sister's arms just after undergoing her last treatment. We were blessed during the last 3 months of her life in that we all got to see her and spend time with her. She is a hard act to follow and still inspires us. She was Mum, Gram and friend. This is the last photograph I have of her and it was taken by my niece Danni. She had begun to lose her hair and wore this lovely hat!
We loved all of your bosom layouts and could never pick a favourite to showcase. But, a special place in all of hearts is now taken up by Kat's Mum. Kat's layout is so inspiring and we wish her Mum all the best for the future.
To celebrate the end of our *Bosoms extravaganza* the fabulously talented Kate Hadfield has designed two sets of pink digi doodles exclusively for It's a creative world.
You can download the first set here and the second set will be available this weekend.
And what a difficut draw this morning coming from donations, layouts and comments. But the winner is Diz who wins the goodie bag from Scrapbook Inspirations!!!! Please email your addy to acreativeworld@hotmail.co.uk and we will get you prize to you!!!
We have lots of prizes today so keep coming back to us! We have prizes for donations, layouts and comments . We will be announcing the Scrap your Boobs layout winner at about 9.00am this morning.
Thank you all so much for making October a memorable month! Your layouts, donations and comments have been AWESOME!!!
9.00am prize winners!!!
And the winner of Andrea's beautiful pink collection for the scrap your boobs layout is JANE with her LO titled "Big, Small men an' all"!!!!
The winner of the donations prize is Jackie! well done. You have won from A trip down memory lane - Pink craft mate tote.
1.00pm prize winners!!!
The prize for layouts, donated by Caz, a Pink pamper kit goes to Karen with a layout titled TLC
The prize for doantions, sponsored by Papermaze goes to Lesley Susan Pearcey
5.00 pm prize winners!!!
The prize for layouts, sponsored by Design Collective, a months membership, goes to Natalie and her *learning to love my skin* LO
The prize for donations, sponsored by Scrap Magic, a colelction of PINK bazzill, goes to Ceruleanblue!!!!!!
9.00pm prize winners!!!
Teresa Mitchell is the Layout winner, she wins a months subscription to the Design Collective!!
And the winner of a £10 donation by Di in their name is Charlene Marie Lee!!
Please email your addies to us at acreativeworld@hotmail.co.uk and your prizes will be on the way!!!
With love and thanks from IACW XXX
And, as an extra thank you there will be a lucky dipper for all the comments left today. The winner will receive a months free membership to the design collective. The winner will be published tomorrow.
can i just say how much this 'competition' has effected me!!!!!
I'm probably one of the lucky ones, not to have any family members or friends effected by this dreadful disease, but reading stories on here has really brought a lump to my throat! The way you are all soooo brave! This has truely been an eye opener for me, and I'm so lucky to have been a part of it!
This site is now a regular haunt of mine, as it is truel inspirational!
Love to everyone out there-keep strong, and try and stay happy :-)
Well done girls
I really hope you manage to double your target ladies.
Thanks for the oppertunity of getting me me to do another page of my book of me, which is always impossible without a challenge
Bless you all
love Cassie
I have loved all the LO's this month and think all those who have shared their real stories are so brave to do so. Thank you.
btw the beautiful flowers by kate are coming up with an invalid link - just me of a hitch?
You girls are fantastic, well done for raising all that money.
What inspiring stories of people inflicted with a shattering disease. Hope you carry on raising lots of money!
Unfortunately I have many family members who have (and are still) suffering from the effects of Cancer. My mum has Myeloma and I am blessed everyday that she is with us a I thought 2.5 yrs ago that she wasn't going to leave the hospital. Thank you so much for this great site and for the fun way in which you have brought about the awareness of breast cancer. One of my close friends has been diagnosed with breast cancer which was dedected through a recent mamogram... so thank you again ladies for your efforts, your smiles and your tears xxx
Well done - this site is a complete inspiration! Can I say I am going to a crop at the end of the month and they have agreed I may sell some of my old mags there so any money we make I will forward to this worthy cause. Can you tell me the link for making donations.
Keep up the good work!
Sharon Peters
It is so amazing to read about peoples lives and how much people are doing to help lessen this dreadful disease.
Congratulation to the winners - well deserved!
Keep up the good work girls....
Katie Squirrel xx
Congratulations Ladies... all layouts were fantastic!
Girls - what you have achieved over the last month is amazing. You have raised so much money and almost as importantly, so much awareness.
Thank you so much and you should all be so proud of what you have done xxx
well done to all the winners
i have to agree this challenge really made me think. my mum lives with breast cancer as they believe that her other physical problems will get her before the breast cancer does she never mentions it really accept as an add on to a list of ills including most recently angina, she is more brave than I would be and i was glad to join in to celebrate all the women affected by the illness.
Congratulations on metting your target and getting us all involved :)
I'm so shocked and chuffed to be named a winner, thank you so much! And congratulations to the other winners too.
Also, more importantly, thank you for the inspiration and for raising awareness of breast cancer in this way. Anything that helps fight this awful disease is a favour to all women, so keep up the good work. :)
Natalie x
Well done girls.. all the LOs are fab.
The site is a great site I am forever having a look
Caroline x
Reading all the dedications today was really moving. I never met my maternal grandmother as she died from this horrible disease when my mum was only 15. It's great ideas like this that keep the research going, and one day they will find a cure and all our LOs will be 'celebrating Jane' rather than 'remembering Jane'. Looking forward to that time.
what a fantastic LO celebrating false boobies.
My husband's mother has beaten breast cancer twice, and it is him that reminds me to check myself...
Big praise to you girls for bringing breast awareness into the scrapping world.
And for bringing a smile to my face everytime I log onto UKS and see another pair of boobies going across the home page...LOL!!!
Great work ladies! Inspirational and eye opening.
Once again well done for raising that money it is wonderful, I have enjoyed looking at the blog this month and it will have to carry on as it has been a part of my daily routine and great one at that. Big well done to all the ladies that did there boob layouts they were all great.
Take care Ladies look forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeves for us to get stuck into. :~) xx
Well done to all the winners and to all you ladies who made all of this possible with your determination to raise the funds for this totally worthwhile cause.
We all could be affected by this terrible disease at any time and I for one am grateful for treatments, that close friends have had available to them through donations such as these.
Amazing work girls xxx
Congrats to the winners. These layout have been super inspirational. Cancer runs in my family. And it's a scary thought. Thanks for all your efforts. Oh and thanks for the freebie.
What a wonderful blog you have here! Kate just led me here and I'm totally inspired!
What an inspiring blog! Thanks for the gift, Kate!
This is a cool blog that i just discovered through Kate Hadfield. Bookmarking it!
Thank you for such an inspiring read! And thanks, Kate, for the goodies!
Thanks so much
very pretty
Thank you for the lovely flowers.
Thank you so much for sharing your work!
WOW!! THank YOu Ladies!!! I had No idea I had won a 2nd Prize till I received it in the post today!
Well Done to everyone who has organised this Fantastic challenge, & To All The Ladsies that took part, Fantastic work Ladies.
Jackie xx
Thanks a lot ♥
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