Hi again from Di.
As it’s school holidays we’d like to challenge you to get your children crafting, show us what they make and enter our exciting Holiday Competition. Check back on Monday 6th August for details of the competition.
I grew up on a council estate in Edinburgh where we played in the quiet street, made things and had jumble sales. We had no television (yes that long ago!), not much money, always had GREAT FUN and were rarely bored. I want to share with you some of the very simple and inexpensive things we used to do as kids.
So just some ideas to get you started:
A simple pompom
French Knitting
Weaving : What you will need
Thick Cardboard
Safety pin or hair pin
Now what to do:
Cut a piece of cardboard about 5 inches by 7 inches. Cut 1/2 inch slits about 1/4 inch apart on one end, and then using your ruler mark and cut at the opposite end. Make sure you have an even number of slits .
Wind the wool around the cardboard as shown.
LOL I used an empty wine cask - this is what the back should look like:
Now weave the wool as shown over one strand and under the next. Hook the end over the right most slit.
To change colours just tie a knot as we will sew these ends in when we have finished.
Continue weaving until you reach the bottom, then turn the cardboard over and cut the strands as shown.
Now just tie the strands together as shown.
Sew in your knotted ends, trim the strands and you have your first easy peasy piece of weaving.
A simple Pom Pom : What you will need
I used the same piece of cardboard I used for weaving. First place a double strand of wool at the bottom of the cardboard (we will use this to tie the pom pom)then just wind the wool around the cardboard as shown.
When you think the pom pom is 'fat' enough tie the horizontal strand of wool tightly around the bottom of the pom pom. Then cut the wool across the top of the cardboard.
You may have to tie another double strand of wool when you have released the pompom from the cardboard.
Now just tie another double strand of wool about 1 inch from the tied end.
French Knitting: What you will need
A cotton reel
4 nails
A hair grip
Here's a simple hand made tool:
And here's a very pretty one!!!
Please refer to http://www.sweaterscapes.com/spool.htmfor detailed instructions for French Knitting.
You can make a very simple child friendly tool (courtesy of http://www.waynesthisandthat.com/knittingnancys.html )for the kids as follows:
Simply rubberband or attach with double sided tape four popsicle sticks around a toilet paper roll leaving 1 inch of the sticks extending above the tube. A fifth popsicle stick works fine as the knitting tool. You can use much thicker wool with this tool!!!
Here are some ideas for things to make courtesy of http://www.waynesthisandthat.com/knittingnancys.html
Here is a link to a site where you can purchase this cute french knitting and pompom gadget http://www.sewessential.co.uk/Category.asp?CategoryID=608&NumPerPage=5&page=1
And one last source from the isle of Skye http://www.toy-museum.co.uk/Crafts.html
And here is a link to a site where you can read up on the history of French Knitting:
THE COMPETITION - remember to check back on Monday for how to enter our competition for your children.
Hope you enjoyed my trip into the past, that's it from me - Thanks for reading. Di