Hey from Caz!! I hope you have all had a good week and have an exciting weekend of crafting planned!
In todays post we are going to be looking at a themed mini book. And it's in a format I totally love to do....envelope books! They are seriously so easy and quick to put together, and of course you can make the book as small or large as you need it. With the added bonus of ready made pockets!
As we near the end of 2007 I am amazed to think back at how eventful this year has been for us so far. My DHs son came over to live with us for 6 months, going from 0 to 13 in no time was a shock to my system but has also been a massive learning curve for me. It snowed, heavily, for the first time since moving to the country and that brought with it some very interesting experiences. We got married!! That was a great day, and one I will never forget *heart*. Very good friends of our left to return to NZ for ever (!!) to start a family and settle down, very sad for us :( but FABBO for them. DHs daughter has returned to live in the UK, which we are very happy about. And finally we have 2 new babies in our family which is just too flippin' exciting!
So without further delay, here is the cover for my Memories of 2007 'book' and below it is open showing January to June, July to December are on the other side.
To make up an envelope book all you need to do is adhere the envelope 'flap' to the body of another envelope. You can either lay all the envelopes the same way ie all the 'openings' facing up, or alternate them, so you have openings (ready made pockets) at the front and back of the book. Concertina it and use ribbon to tie it closed.
I have used different papers throughout to represent the theme of the month and photos. And of course it's a great way to use up your off cuts and scraps :)
Print smaller photos so you have loads of room to journal.
I do hope this project has inspired you, and don't forget you can adapt this to use as gifts too.
Grannys would love an envelope brag book of their grandchildren ;)
Ciao and haPPy creATing!!
Oh I LOVE this idea! TFS
Must try this! Great idea.
Great stuff have been wanting to do this and what's this about 2 new babies in the family??? Please tell...
Fab idea! Would love to give it a go.
this is fab, can't wait to try one myself!
Thanks guys I made one of these for a gift!! Its on my blog
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